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Premium Info (Not Yet Available)

Free: 3 months of data free.
Premium: Longer timeframes, improved filtering tools, no ads.
Registry: Link Market Services
Sector: Information Technology /
Software & Services
Similar Companies: ALU, NXT, TNE, WTC

Company Analytics: Xero Limited (ASX: XRO)2107

Xero is a New Zealand based company, listed on the ASX, which specialises in providing cloud-based accounting software to small and medium sized businesses. Then have a free trial option, and different plan pricing levels depending on the business's needs.

Make a suggestion or report an error on this page: here

Share Price and Volume

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Share Price and Volume

This is meant as a quick reference to compare against the other metrics, not as an advanced or accurate share price chart - the share price may be delayed by a day, and the volume by a couple of days.

Android App Reviews

Link To The App
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Android App Reviews - Count / Average Review

Tracks the reviews of the Xero app. Reviews count generally correlates with usage, and average rating with satisfaction.
Feb 13 - Mar 14 (Reviews: +3.66%)

Alexa Website Rank

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Alexa Website Rank

Global Rank compares a website's popularity to all global websites eg. 100,000th most popular website in the world.

Local Rank is the website's popularity compared to all global websites, but ranked by Australian or US visitors eg. 1000th most popular website in Australia.

They use logarithmic scales, so a moderate improvement in the rankings can suggest a strong improvement in website traffic. The ranking is calculated based on a combination of today's traffic and the traffic from the past 90 days, so it is not entirely current, but partially backward looking.
Mar 23 - Apr 21 (Global Rank: -10.29%, Local Rank: +0%) (Log Scale)

Job Ads

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Job Ads (JORA)

Job Ads (JORA) is an estimate of job ads containing the 'Xero' phrase.

For 'Xero' for example, it would be a combination of job ads by the Xero company, and other jobs that require the 'Xero' skill.
Sep 21 - Jun 18 (Job Ads: 5992 to 5285, -11.8%)

Linkedin Employees

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Linkedin Employees

This tracks Xero employees listed on Linkedin.

A change in trajectory could suggest a change in hiring, potenially due to an increase in scale. This is partially a trailing metric, as some employees will only update their Linkedin some weeks/months/years after joining the company.
Dec 20 - Jan 31 (Listed Employees: 5190 to 5212, +0.42%)

Brand Search Trends

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Brand Search Trends

Can show if there is growth in brand searches for 'Xero'. Can also suggest an increase in market share, if searches grow faster than a competitor's brand searches eg. 'MYOB'.

Website Subdomains

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Website Subdomains

Consider this as a historical timeline of the company, and potentially giving insight into new features under development.

It is a non-exhaustive list of subdomains on the company website, ordered by when they were first found by our website. Can be indicative of new developments in progress, or new service offerings. Some subdomains may be private and inaccessible to the public, but you can still see the name.

Other Interesting Stats

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Other Interesting Info

You might find these additional stats and details useful.
Stat Value
Share Price (delayed ~1 day) $109.21
EPS -$0.280
PE 0
Dividend Yield 0
Average Daily Volume 388,715 shares / $42,451,565
Market Cap $17.1b
Shares on Issue 151.6m
Listing Date 2012-11-08
Similar/Popular Websites,,,
Common Search Phrases Xero, Xero Login, Xero Accounting Login, Xero Accounting, Login

Broker / Analyst Consensus

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Broker / Analyst Consensus Targets

See how brokers/analysts are rating the company.
Stat Value
Last Checked 7 Jan 2024
Analysts Count 19
Valuation - Range $57.39 - $158.08
Valuation - Median $132.21
Valuation - Average $126.83
Share Price (delayed ~1 day) $109.21
Versus Average Valuation 13.89% Below
Average EPS Targets FY26  $2.19
FY25  $1.57
FY24  $0.99
FY23  $0.19
Buy 10
Overweight 3
Hold 3
Underweight 1
Sell 2
Average Recommendation 3.9 / 5 (Overweight)

Company Announcements

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Company Announcements

See which announcements the company has released lately, and group by useful modifiers like 'Director Trades' or 'Market Sensitive'.

Historical Directors

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Historical Directors

See which directors have worked with the company over time. The 'First Seen' date is not the date that they were appointed, but the first date that we recorded them as a director.
Director Position First Seen
Ms Anjali Joshi Independent Director 16 Nov 2023
Ms Sukhinder Singh Cassidy CEO 01 Mar 2023
Mr Brian P McAndrews Independent Director 03 Feb 2022
Mr Damien Coleman Company Secretary 05 Oct 2021
Mr Steven Aldrich Independent Director 31 Oct 2020
Ms Chaman Sidhu Company Secretary 19 May 2020
Mr Craig Winkler Director 19 May 2020
Ms Dale Murray Independent Director 19 May 2020
Mr David Thodey Chair, Independent Director 19 May 2020
Ms Kirsty Godfrey-Billy CFO 19 May 2020
Ms Lee Hatton Independent Director 19 May 2020
Mr Mark Cross Independent Director 19 May 2020
Mr Rod Drury Director 19 May 2020
Mr Steve Vamos CEO 19 May 2020
Ms Susan Peterson Independent Director 19 May 2020

Recent Company Comparisons

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Recent Company Comparisons

See which companies people like to compare XRO with. They may be similar companies that you'd also like to compare it against.

Other Insightful Websites

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Other Insightful Websites

We cannot include every website in a separate panel, but these are some more websites that you can manually check for additional insights.